Mern Fullstack Development Course

6 Months



Mern Fullstack Course Overview

Node.js, Express.js, React, and MongoDB are collectively referred to as MERN. Because of this popular technology stack, developers can easily work with JavaScript in both the front-end and back-end of full-stack web apps.JavaScript All Around: a common programming language for clients and servers. The open-source ecosystem is distinguished by its active community support and strong libraries.

Frontend (React):

  • The user interacts with the web application through React components.
  • The user interacts with the web application through React components.
  • Implement dynamic UI components using best practices.

Backend (Express & Node.js):

  • Express handles routing, API requests, and business logic.
  • Node.js provides the runtime environment for the backend

Database (MongoDB):

  • MongoDB stores and retrieves data, which is sent back to the front-end via APIs.

MERN FullStack Course Curriculum

Mern Fullstack Introduction +
  • MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, which are four open-source technologies used to build web applications
    >Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine, enabling the use of JavaScript for server-side scripting, allowing for full-stack JavaScript development
    Full-stack JavaScript: The entire application (both frontend and backend) is developed using JavaScript, creating a unified and consistent codebase
    Single-page applications (SPA): MERN stack is often used for building SPAs, which offer a seamless and fast user experience by dynamically updating content without full page reloads
    Modular Case Study: 1
    Formative Assessment: 1
Frontend Development +
  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
    Purpose: HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications
    CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
    Purpose: CSS is used for styling HTML elements, defining how the content should appear visually on the page
    JavaScript (JS)
    Purpose: JavaScript adds interactivity, dynamic behavior, and logic to web pages
    Purpose: React.js is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, especially single-page applications (SPAs)
    Modular Case Study: 2
    Formative Assessment: 2
Backend Development +
  • Node-js
    What is Node.js and why is it used for backend development?
    Explain the event-driven architecture in Node.js
    Difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming in Node.js
    What is the role of the npm (Node Package Manager)?
    What is a callback function in Node.js?
    How does Node.js handle concurrency?
    What is the event loop in Node.js?
    How does the event loop help handle asynchronous operations?
    What is the difference between the event loop and threads?
    How do you build RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express?
    What are HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE in RESTful APIs?
    How do you handle HTTP status codes and errors in Node.js?
    How do you handle errors in Node.js applications?
    What are try-catch blocks, and when should they be used?
    How do you implement centralized error handling in Express?
    Modular Case Study: 3
    Formative Assessment: 3
Mern Database +
  • MongoDB
    High Performance: It is designed for high performance with features like in-memory processing, indexing, and data compression, making it suitable for real-time applications
    Rich Query Language: MongoDB provides a powerful query language, supporting CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) as well as advanced features like aggregation, full-text search, and geospatial queries
    Modular Case Study: 4
    Formative Assessment: 4

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